13ft up in the trees this house is designed with Belize in mind - endless mahogany louver windows allows for maximum breeze and stone floors and wood walls keep it cool. Small but very comfortable with sofa and chair for lounging inside but most people live on the deck in hammocks and chairs. Full and generous kitchen for home cooking but so close to everything most folks just use the fridge and coffee maker! I built this home for myself and husband but recently moved a little closer to the beach, so I am close by if you need anything. You do have to share the garden portion of the property with anyone staying in the downstairs unit and if ok with you, our dog, Harvey, always wants to meet everyone! There are two units here - a large and airy home upstairs for two and a small studio downstairs for 1 or 2 people.
Phone: (501)622-3608
Email: [email protected]
Address: Front Steet, Corner Hicaco and Aventurer Streets
Website: www.cornercasacayecaulker.com